Sanaa Scott-Wheeler

Staff Writer
Aladdin, Dumbo, Lady and the Tramp, Lion King, Little Mermaid, Magic school bus, Mulan, Peter Pan, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Pinocchio
All your favorite childhood memories are back better than ever! Or are they?
Ever wondered what Pinocchio would look like as an actual person? Of course not he’s a cartoon. Disney has started a strong trend of remaking original movies, with the attempt to reinforce people’s love for that movie.
The remakes aren’t what people expected them to be. The actresses do not look like the original cartoons. People are frustrated. ¨I think they´re a good idea but they’re not being executed well. I think the writers, producers, and creators should take input from people that grew up watching these shows. ¨ said Grace Conley, movie fanatic and junior at Science Leadership Academy.
Disney’s directing team is already running into this problem, people that grew up watching these shows are not having it, it doesn’t match their vision.
¨I think that it’s good they want to keep the old movie titles current and they want this generation of children to experience their movies, but it seems like there are no original ideas.¨ Louisa Strohm a junior at SLA who is most excited to see the lion king said in an interview. This has been a common opinion from those who grew up with Disney.¨I liked them as cartoons I didn’t like them as people I had to see.¨ Said Lily Prendergast a freshman most excited to see Mulan.
To say the least, many people doubt the success of the remakes.
“What if the Disney movies don’t deliver? ¨The Kim Possible one and Dora I’m just not impressed.¨ Said Juliana Long, a junior at SLA who is most excited to see the little mermaid. ¨I think it’s fine as long as they portray the story, it’s the same story just a different person¨” said Arely Rojas a freshman at SLA who is most excited to see the lion king. The lion king fan went on to say ¨The whole point of the movie industry is to keep making money, the quality doesn’t matter people are still gonna watch it.¨
An important message that came up in every interview presented the opportunity for audiences to live their Disney fantasy.¨ I think that in the cartoons most of them are white and we didn’t see a lot of Latina or black or Asian princesses There weren’t different races from white, I grew up seeing white princesses getting their happy endings, I think they’re trying to put people from different races into movies which is great.
Either way the movies turn out they will add to the legacy of Disney magic.
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