In less than a month, Star Wars The Force Awakens will be released worldwide for the world, which is in a fever pitch and is already breaking records, will be released. This will be the seventh film in the Star Wars saga. We have seen the initial movie trailer, which has the most views than any movie trailer set the bar for this film.
Like many huge fans of the series I have seen them all a dozen times. The series really set the bar for science fiction film that few films have approached. But like in 1999, most people were thrilled about the Phantom Menace just like how we are today. There were celebrations, parties and even camp outs for the midnight release in 1999. People would see other films in theatres to get to watch one trailer- just like today. That was before we had advanced internet but the hype was the same.
The only expectation that will surely meet is the box office. This might become the most viewed movie in theatres of all time worldwide. Current;y the previous six have all cracked the top 65 movies in box office of all time. The Phantom Menace is the 6th highest grossing movie of all time. Avatar, directed by James Cameron has the highest grossing movie of all time following Titanic- another James Cameron movie. On opening weekend there will be we’ll over $200 million due to the popularity of this franchise.. The movie will cross $2.5 billion if it is that good. This is encouraging to the filmmakers but we will have to see if they truly earned that money. Already the film has $50 million in pre ticket sales, doubling the previous record.
So how does SLA feel about the upcoming film? Do they believe their expectations will be met?
Overall there has been some confidence in the film. Many Rockets are excited to see the characters of Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and other to be continued. Our own math teacher; Brad Latimer stated “I am very excited to see how the story develops.” This is really why the story has been continued. To show one of the best science fiction storylines played out to its potential.
Brandon Jones has a different opinion. He thinks every generation deserves a Star Wars series. For example, he refers to our adults having the original series as kids. For teenagers of today, we had the prequels of how Anakin Skywalker came to become a Sith. “The 7th film is necessary because this generation deserves a proper Star Wars experience.” Some of SLA thinks that this film is for our enjoyment and for the kids to have a chance for a 2015 Star Wars film.
Sean Morris, senior at SLA thinks a seventh installment is unnecessary. He believes it shouldn’t have been produced, as he felt the story had a naturally conclusion, despite his excitement for the talent working on the film. He refers to the fact “many of the producers grew up loving it” watching George Lucas’ original three films. So the legacy of Luke Skywalker and Star Wars remains while adding onto the saga. He thinks the “astronomical expectations” on J.J. Abrams and for The Force Awakens are unfair. Many of the SLA community think you just can’t “beat” the originals. Sean said the he will give the film “a chance” and has mixed, but overall positive feelings about it.
There are many predictions coming out for this new film. Sean Morris says it will be the “highest grossing” movie of all time. As an avid fan and SLA student I think this is very possible. Jason Greene, a junior at SLA says he thinks Han Solo will die in this new series and have Star Wars fans losing their minds.
The expectations are fairly high at SLA. Most people think this will be a good movie but far from a classic. We received as low as a 3 for an expectation to a 4.5/5 in expectations. From everyone’s favorite math teacher, we received a 4.13852 out of 5 for an expectation. This is a very high expectation from a person who disregards the prequels as Star Wars movies. Of all the expectations set for this next film, the average expectation was around 3.9/5.
There’s a lot to hope for with Abrams’ directing the new series. The bar has been set very high and the only way to meet it is to make a terrific movie. The question on everyone’s mind is will this be another Phantom Menace, or an original when it comes to quality. As fans we can do one of two things: cheer, or boo. Let’s all hope we cheer and enjoy one of the finest film series to ever hit the screens return. We all are more than ready.
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