Taylor Green
Staff Writer

With summer just around the corner, getting a job is now a priority for a lot of teens. Within the SLA student body, there has been an everlasting search for jobs.
Whether it’s from people who need their first job, want to try something new, or want to diversify their resume, many people are in search of summer positions.
Junior Lauren Nicolella is one of those teens.
“For the summer I have applied to around five jobs, but so far I have not heard anything back. The earliest I applied was around March for one and was rejected. The others were more recent and I haven’t heard anything,” Nicolella shared.
A popular reason for teens to want a summer job is so that they can be financially independent and enjoy their summer by being able to make plans with friends. Nicolella spoke about how obtaining her first job would not only be a proud accomplishment, but it would help her become more independent.
“It makes me feel bad to have to depend on my parents for money in order to do the things I want, especially during the summer when I have more things in mind to do like go to concerts,“ Nicolella said.
Although many people want a job that they can keep year-round, some teens would rather start in the summer. Starting a job once school is over allows teenagers to focus more on their studies and not get stressed out by their workload.
“I have running practices four times a week and that would limit my availability. It would make me really nervous and overwhelmed to be so filled up in a schedule involving athletics and a work schedule, “ Nicolella explained.
However, some students can manage both. Junior Kimberly Gucciardi-Kriegh who works for All Point Surveying Company, spoke about how she doesn’t find it difficult to manage a part-time job during the school year.
“The only time I don’t work is during the winter/snow, or rain. I like working whenever I can because it gives me a steady amount of money and it hasn’t interfered with my school work too much.” Gucciardi-Kriegh shared.
Although Gucciardi-Kreigh works year around, she prefers working in the summer.
“It gives me something to do over summer break. I don’t like being cooped up in the house all of the time. I also need more money in the summer because that’s when I hang out with my friends more.” Gucciardi-Kreigh explains.
Although it is a personal preference, only having a job in the summer can be a disadvantage sometimes.
“I feel like there’s a huge disadvantage for only working a summer job. I can’t really see businesses wanted to hire someone for about three months and then that is it. It also doesn’t give you that much experience to add to your resume.” Gucciardi-Kreigh shared.
Overall, a summer job seems to be the best option for a lot of teens. It’s a way for them to start making their own money and to get real-world experience. Keeping the job for longer than just a few months in the summer will also be more beneficial.
“People should definitely try to find a job during the school year that they can keep during the summer or vice versa. It’ll really get their foot in the door for many other places.” Gucciardi-Kreigh said.
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