by Leah Kelly
Staff Writer

It is no secret that Philadelphia is an exciting city. From the music scene to the historic district, the greasy cheesesteaks to the fine cuisine and the sophisticated orchestra to the rowdy sports fans, both tourists and residents are sure to stay entertained year-long.
With the return of “pop-up” city parks such as the Spruce Street Harbor, The New York Times says that Philadelphia is the “making of an urban outdoor oasis”. In addition, another park called Pier 68 will be opening along the Delaware River as a piece of the continually growing Delaware River Trail. This pier will include a spot for fishing, picnicking and a place for people to watch the tide rise and fall.
Along with the new outdoor spaces opening in Philadelphia, 2015 is an exciting year for artists and art-lovers alike. In late June, the Philadelphia Museum of Art will be opening a new Blockbuster Impressionism exhibit including works from Monet, Pissarro, Renoir, Sisley, Degas, Manet and other similar artists. The best part, however, is that every Sunday and Wednesday evening is a “pay what you want” day at the museum so even if you are pinched for money, you can enjoy this beautiful artwork.
Also, the Brandywine River Museum of Art is set to showcase work from the influential African American artist Horace Pippin from April to July.
Lastly, the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program is launching a new project entitled “Open Source” where local, national and international artists alike will turn ordinary locations into places with beautiful contemporary and street art.
In 2015, Philadelphia will be also celebrating many important anniversaries: Opera Philadelphia will celebrate it’s 40th anniversary, The Rosenbach (part of the Free Library of Philadelphia) will celebrate the 150th anniversary of Alice in Wonderland and the city will honor the 50th anniversary of one of the first gay rights protests. Along with these milestones will be celebrations, ceremonies and other special events happening in Philadelphia.
Along with these moments, the biggest event by far happening in Philadelphia in 2015 is Pope Francis’ visit from September 22-27. He will be saying a public mass on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway for the 8th annual World Meeting of Families and is expected to draw almost 1.2 million people from around the world.
Along with these major events happening in Philadelphia, there are also a few rumors floating around such as Buddy Valastro, head baker of TLC’s “Cake Boss”, opening a store in Center City, a 1,000 foot waterslide in the summer and lots of new restaurants with fine dining.
However, even though all of these events are happening in Philadelphia and the NY Times named it the third top place to visit in 2015, what is the reality of the situation? Does Philadelphia really deserve the #3 spot? What’s a student’s perspective on this situation? Check back later this month to read SLA Media’s editorial on the topic!
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