Brendan Hall
Staff Writer

On November 6, 2018, the midterm elections took place. This was an opportunity to elect congressmen, senators, and governors.
Several voting aged seniors at Science Leadership Academy discussed the process of registering and whether or not they would be voting in the midterm election.
These 12th graders were eager to use their voting right for the first time.
“I think that it’s really important that younger people vote. If more young people vote and happen to vote Democrat we can eventually get the house to be equal again,” Green elaborated on her stance on why it is important for young people to use their right of voting.
“I think after seeing the reaction of the 2016 election it made me realize that if I have opportunities and then I can make a change and I learned that my vote does matter. I wanted to partake in that,” SLA student Lauren Nicolella stated about her desire to vote.
“Also something else that helped was the fact that SLA had voting registration opportunities…I’m still glad I had it done because I think it pushed me to do it,” She later clarified.
While both Lauren Nicolella and Taylor Green voted in the midterms. There were also those who were the voting age who chose not to vote.
“I don’t know much about it…people who know about it should [vote] there’s nothing worse than people who try to talk about stuff who don’t know what they’re saying,” Raymond Rochester stated when asked on whether or not he would vote.
Despite not registering to vote, he still encouraged that others should participate in the election declaring, “If you feel you know enough to vote, go for it. Let your voice be heard.”
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