Sara Frunzi
Photo Editor
On Monday, November 6th, the SLA student body voted for their student government.
For several weeks leading into the election, candidates were putting up posters around the school, debating with each other about how to go about the school’s problems, and talking individually to students about their choices for student government.
Junior Sara Berg won the position of secretary. The role requires her to to be at every meeting to set the agenda and record notes on each member’s input.
In the closest race of them all, Junior Gregory Tasik won the vote for student government’s treasurer. He will be responsible for student council’s finances. They focus on funds, spending strategies, and any fundraisers.
Finally, by a landslide, the president and vice president of SLA’s student government are Tamir Harper and Naima DeBrest. These two will take on a big leadership position in SLA’s community.
According to Harper, the first goal for student government this year is “to create a constitution in place so that student government can work to get things done.”
“We have the elected officials now, so we need a constitution so we’re following and executing.”
What change will the existence of student government bring to the school? Right now, it’s not entirely unclear, although a meeting on November 20th established a constitution that will be shared with the student body soon.
“I think it will come to represent what SLA says it represents,” Harper said. “It’s not just the vice president, president, treasury, secretary, advisory representatives that are going to define it; it’s the people around the SLA community.”
As a community, SLA is collaborative and non-competitive, so the official ballot counts will not be released.
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